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An Interview with Quentin Stuckey, a Bo Burnham Scholar

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

Have you ever seen references to Bo Burnham in an academic setting? From teachers showing Inside to their students (lucky kids!) to fans reenacting songs at talent shows, there are many ways that Bo and his works appear at school.

While Bo may have started to infiltrate academia as his star has risen over the past few years, there is one scholar who has made the millennial polymath the clear focus of his studies and has even written an incredible article about the special—Quentin Stuckey.

Quentin, or "Stucks" as he's known online, is one of the premier experts on Inside, and he graduated with a Master's in Bo (or English in reality lol). His thesis and article are incredibly well-written and really dive into the portrayal of mental health in the special.

In addition to those achievements, Stucks runs a successful YouTube channel and will be interviewing ME for his Novel Conversations series (so excited!). [Ed. note: Here's the video of our conversation and the companion piece about the Bo Burnham Historian.]

As a quid pro quo for that opportunity, here is my interview with Quentin, which has been edited and condensed for clarity purposes.

Stand-Up Comedy Historian: Hi, Quentin! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to chat with me about your Master's thesis on Inside. I really appreciate it!

Stucks: It's my pleasure!

SUCH: Fantastic. Let's start with the basics. Can you provide your background and what you do for a living when not analyzing Bo?

Stucks: I’m 26 years old. I’m originally from the town of Alliston, Canada. I’ve been living in Madrid, Spain and teaching English as a second language at a primary school since September 2022.

I have a BA in English with a minor in Global Narratives and a MA in English both from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University).

SUCH: That's wonderful that you have a Master's degree in English! I got mine from Villanova University in 2007.

So when did you first watch Inside? Were you a fan beforehand, or was Bo entirely new to you?

Stucks: My first encounter with Bo Burnham would’ve been during his early YouTube days. I remember a friend of mine showed me his song Bo for Sho and it was clear that he had talent and could write clever lyrics with a catchy melody.

I saw a few clips of his 2013 special what. and was even more impressed with his work, but I really didn’t pay too much attention to him after that. So you could say I wasn’t a fan of his work, but I was aware of his talent and thought he was unique, funny and theatrical.

My sister had seen Inside when it first came out and showed me the songs Comedy and White Woman’s Instagram. She is a big fan of stand-up comedy.

I was finishing the first semester of my MA program at the time, so it took me awhile to actually sit down with my sister and watch the entire film. But when I did watch Inside, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

SUCH: Yes, I remember that feeling as well watching it for the first time. I'm glad your sister introduced you to his masterpiece...and it's awesome she's a stand-up fan too!


So how does Inside relate to your studies and Master’s degree? What inspired you to choose it as your thesis topic?

Stucks: My MA program is an interesting one because although it’s based in English Literature, it’s incredibly interdisciplinary. It focused in on modernity both in the philosophical/historical sense and contemporary sense, so we read and watched a wide array of material, ranging from the 16th century to the 21st century.

I’m very interested in film, I think even moreso than I am in literature. And because films also constitute as cultural texts like books, I knew I wanted to do a film as my final thesis topic.

I already knew I wanted to analyze the representations of a psychological state within a film. At first I was considering looking at an Alfred Hitchcock film, but then Inside completely changed my trajectory.

I chose to analyze Inside because it was the greatest contemporary film I’d seen in a long time, and it was a very timely film in not only Burnham’s representation of the 2020 lockdown but also the other themes he explores like climate change, Internet culture and of course mental health/illness.

And obviously Inside is aesthetically and musically engaging as well! Watching it awoke something in me (as it did in millions of other people), and I just had to dig deeper and understand it.


 SUCH: Wow, I felt the same way (hence all the posts on my website about it haha)! The special truly calls out to be analyzed to death—and Bo included SO many Easter eggs and hidden jokes. To me, Inside is like a dense novel, rich in symbolism waiting to be explored.

No wonder it appeals to English majors!


So how did you convince your thesis advisors to let you do this? Was there any pushback?

I wanted to write about dictionaries for mine and had to condense it considerably from all of literature’s use of the dictionary as a symbol of authority to its use in two British novels (Vanity Fair and The Mill on the Floss).

Defenestration of Johnson's Dictionary!

Stucks: There was actually no pushback from my program supervisors.

The only stipulation was that I keep my thesis grounded in a Humanities tradition because I would be looking at medical studies on the psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, so I had to be mindful about not veering too far in the direction of a Social Science analysis. Obviously there is some overlap between these two disciplines in my research.

Studying the symbolism of dictionaries sounds incredibly smart, shame that we must condense and modify our ambitions to fit into the academic requirements! But that’s “how the world works!” as Bo would sing.

SUCH: That's awesome you had no real pushback! And thanks for calling my thesis topic smart. I really wanted to be a lexicographer in college, but that didn't pan out (and the field is pretty much dead or completely digital at this point).


How did you edit down your thesis to become a coherent article in a scholarly journal? Did you have to remove anything that you really loved? And were you happy with the results?

Stucks: The thesis that was submitted to my program was about 50 pages long (with a Works Cited), so I knew that I would have to edit it down to about half of that length for the journal’s requirements.

I did have to remove a large portion of the form and content analysis, a section on Bo Burnham’s work prior to Inside and unnecessary extra sentences or words.

The whole process took about a month. I was unhappy to be losing a specific part of the analysis that explored the inclusion of behind-the-scenes footage in the film and its relation to pandemic-induced depression/anxiety, but I had to cut it down if I wanted it to be considered for publication. And sure enough, it was published just before New Years 2022! Nice way to end the year. I was happy with how it turned out.

SUCH: That's too bad that you weren't able to include BTS analysis (which is definitely one of my favorite aspects of the special), but I'm glad that you enjoy how the article turned out. I found it to be excellent as well!

So going back to Bo. What’s your favorite sketch/song/bit in the special and why?

Stucks: It’s tough to narrow it down because I think the special is almost perfect, but I really enjoy the Reaction Video sketch.

I shamelessly love YouTube reaction videos, but Bo took that video genre to its existential, digital conclusion: getting caught in a loop of endless self-reflection.

Also I think he really highlighted how odd it is to be watching someone else watching something. And then it gets even weirder if someone reacts to someone else’s reaction, then you as a YouTube viewer are watching someone watch someone who is watching something. Kind of weird, right?

My favorite song has to be All Eyes on Me both musically and cinematically. I think a lot of viewers, myself included, can personally relate to the simultaneous feeling of surrender and hope reflected in the lyrics (or at least my interpretation of the lyrics) especially if you struggle with a mental health issue.

And my absolute favorite shot in the special is that close up on Bo’s eyes. I think it’s a highly unique, intimate yet estranging angle. It pulls us in but, with the format shift in his vocals and the deep, blue lighting, it also distances us. It feels dreamlike.

SUCH: Those are all fantastic choices! So for the hilarious reaction video, my best guess (as well as Josh Kingsford's) is that he took inspiration from two separate sources.

Specifically, there is a moment in his H3 interview where they get caught in a live feedback loop that Ethan hates (saying it feels like a panic attack), while Bo seems to be intrigued.

Secondly, Bo did a React video that is literally him and Elsie watching and reacting to eighth graders watching the Eighth Grade trailer and film and then commenting on the movie and an interview (3 layers of commentary!).

As Bo said in this wonderful Delve video, "the rabbit hole goes too deep."

And All Eyes on Me is such a gorgeous song, obviously. You're not alone in loving that is so iconic that it was the movie poster image for the entire special!

Back to your academic career. How long did it take for you to write your thesis? Was it hard to locate scholarly resources about the topic?

Stucks: The whole process really started in December 2021, about a month after I had first seen the film. I had to write a research proposal, conduct a literature review, re-watch the film and take careful notes, structure the paper, write a draft, receive feedback from my two supervisors, edit the first draft into a second draft and then finally submit it.

Stucks' thesis setup

I officially submitted it in early August 2022. So in total, it took me 9 months to complete it. And during those 9 months, I was really struggling with anxiety, yet I was completely throwing myself into this thesis.

Maybe in some ways, writing the thesis was a form of cinema therapy, since I really related to Burnham’s representation of his own mental health issues.

It wasn’t too hard to locate scholarly resources overall, especially since so much has been written on COVID-19 and mental health and the representation of mental illness in films.

In terms of academic articles on Bo Burnham, there are only a few of them. Actually more articles studying Inside began popping up after I submitted my thesis. But even now, there are maybe around 10 academic articles on Bo’s work. So it was actually easy to read all of the academic research on Bo Burnham since the scholarship is smaller compared to COVID-19 studies, for example.

SUCH: Ten seems like the right number for academic research on Bo. I do believe, though, that it will be quintessential viewing for those studying the pandemic. And I hope my website helps those future scholars! [Ed. note: You can read about more academic articles relating to Bo's works here.]

How did your thesis defense go? Did you show clips of Inside, and were your advisors aware of the special before you chose it as your topic?

Stucks: I never had to defend my thesis, luckily. But I did present on it at a Zoom conference for Carleton University, and my supervisors gave me some feedback on where the paper was at the time of the presentation.

I had two supervisors and only one of them had seen the film before. The other told me that he was specifically signing up for a Netflix account so that he could watch it. I’m not sure if he enjoyed it or not, but he did watch it considering all the feedback he provided.

SUCH: That's a wonderful presentation! Thanks for posting it online. I hope that advisor enjoyed Bo but, in my experience, a lot of older people don't quite understand his popularity compared to millennials and Gen Z.

So we know your advisors watched the special, but how many times did you watch Inside? And what's your impression of The Inside Outtakes? Did that additional footage change your thesis statement at all or did it help support your take?

Stucks: I just recently watched it with a group of friends here in Madrid, and that was the first time I’d seen it since last summer. I’ve probably seen Inside between 15-20 times. Every time I watch it, I notice something new.

I loved the Outtakes! I was extremely excited when Bo posted that on his YouTube channel.

I think the special really deepens the experience of Inside without adding too much or taking anything away. And honestly, the Outtakes footage is distinct enough to warrant its own analysis.

I thought about incorporating the Outtakes into my thesis but, by the time it was released, I had already completed a first draft of the paper, so it would’ve been too demanding to include. Also Inside has a stronger thematic and narrative arc, whereas The Inside Outtakes is a little bit more chaotic, hence why they’re outtakes.

SUCH: Excellent point! It's pretty clear watching that footage that there is an obvious reason Bo dropped those songs from the original. Biden is too specific to the time, Five Years doesn't convey isolation as well as Sexting, etc. I wish he had included The Future though...that song is a banger!

He is also a perfectionist and knew that serving the themes of Inside made more sense than just tossing a song in because it's catchy. I am SO glad he released them, though, and I hope we get a new surprise for the second anniversary!

I wanted to mention that I love that you analyzed Inside as a film and as a digital text. I absolutely agree that current definitions of art will need to expand to better account for how artists like Bo are reinventing streaming specials. What is your take on antiquated labelling and how can we best adjust it in this age of streaming and digital consumption?

Stucks: Inside is certainly a game changer both in Burnham’s career and in the notions of what a comedy special has to be. It’s interesting that as technology is evolving faster than we are, artists are combining and mixing not just genres but ways of consuming their work.

Not only was Inside a Netflix comedy special, but it was also shown in a few American movie theatres. And as we know, cinemas really struggled throughout the pandemic, so Burnham choosing to do that is becoming something of a novelty.

The Philly Ritz screening of Inside, July 2021

Digitization is truly transforming the ways we engage with texts, and expanding the definition of what art is. I’m not exactly sure how we can better adjust labelling in our current age, but I think naturally new genres, new modalities and even new types of art will emerge as technology continues to increase and that will influence how we label them.

Soon an AI will write, direct and star in their own comedy special! Can we consider that a work of art if it was done by a technological entity? Are artists always human? Do they have to be? What does it even mean to be human nowadays if we have created highly sophisticated AI? These are questions I’m sure Bo would ponder as well.

SUCH: Definitely food for thought (and reminds me of CJ the X's discussion of transhumanism in his video)! Your point about generative AI is absolutely valid, and we are seeing more and more comedy routines written by ChatGPT. They don't quite deliver on the laughs, but boy are they a bit too close for comfort!

Back to your thesis. You mention in it that Inside depicts mental health issues empathetically, thus helping to normalize problems with anxiety and depression in general society. What do you think is the most powerful representation of mental health in the special and why?

Stucks: Absolutely it does. There’s lots of compelling evidence that exposure to different types of fiction can increase people’s level of empathy, and Inside definitely fits into that finding.

I think the most powerful representation of mental illness in the film would have to be Burnham’s attempt to update us viewers on the special but feeling so awful that he can’t even get it out and then storms off camera.

I think it's powerful because it’s the most raw and non-stylized expression of the feelings he’s been dealing with throughout lockdown. And I’m sure almost all of us have had a moment like that. Especially if you’re trying to finish something creatively or intellectually demanding yet you’re struggling with something in your personal life.

Also the way he’s surrounded by his technical equipment and filmed from a far angle, you just feel so sorry for him as someone who also experienced the difficulty of the pandemic lockdown.


SUCH: It's a wonderful scene and I absolutely agree with you that the cinematography is stunning there and at the very end of Goodbye when he is surrounded by ALL of his equipment (plus my beloved disco ball!).

Since your thesis involves mental health awareness, I wanted to ask you about something that has gotten a lot of backlash online.

The BBC recently claimed that the pandemic did not cause a mental health crisis and had a “minimal” effect on people’s mental well-being.

What do you think of this study? It seems to run counter to reality, in my opinion, especially considering the phenomenal reception to Inside and Bo’s works.

My exhibit A that the quarantine affected mental health, by the way, would be this absolutely bonkers image in a 2020 tweet. It's a real wtfigo situation, and what does the cat riding a dinosaur have to do with product recalls?!

Stucks: Thanks for sharing this with me. This study concludes that there’s a high risk of bias in these 137 studies that they've analyzed, indicating right away that it’s far from an accurate reflection of the mental health consequences of the pandemic. The studies can differ depending upon the population researched, especially since some countries were stricter about upholding restrictions over others.

Of course most of the literature I read for my thesis reflected a North American bias and research can be flawed/biased, but to state that the pandemic had little to no impact on mental well-being based off of this meta-analysis conducted primarily in Europe and Asia is silly and click-baity.

I agree with you. This runs counter to reality if you even just consider the reception from people afflicted with mental health issues who felt heard and seen in Inside.

SUCH: Exactly! I'm glad we're in agreement (as is the rest of the Internet that bashed the study lol).

Speaking of mental health issues, the stigmatization of them continues in the US, with many right-wing critics claiming recent mass shootings to be the work of the mentally ill (rather than being an issue with guns, apparently).

How do you think society can best fight against the growing notion that people with chemical imbalances should be shunned and ostracized? I have anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, CPTSD and OCD among other diagnoses, so these arguments that you just need God or to quit complaining really upset me.

Stucks: I’m sure you could relate to this, but I’ve sadly grown somewhat desensitized by the amount of US mass shootings I hear or read about in the news [Ed. note: I love TFF, but the gut punch of those lines about the gift shop and the mall is so hard to bear. We are truly failing our children.]

I’m not very familiar with your country’s politics surrounding guns but nothing seems to change because, like you said, politicians only look at the circumstances of the shooter and not the circumstances of the wider gun culture.

There are many different factors as to why a person decides to carry out mass murder, and obviously only blaming mental illness or only blaming guns is not enough in addressing all the complex factors. However, I would say that changing how easily you can obtain firearms in the US is an immediate and obvious factor that could reduce the likelihood of these tragedies.

I think there needs to be a larger conversation surrounding what constitutes good mental health and to recognize the signs that you may not be feeling well mentally. Because mental illness is far more than a chemical imbalance or a poor diet—it’s a multifaceted experience.

I think teaching every person good mental health hygiene early on in life would be an easily administrable thing to do. And if people need therapy, medication or other resources, let’s pour our money into that!

I struggle with generalized anxiety disorder, so I completely understand your frustration. I personally want to advocate for more use of books, films and music in a therapeutic environment, because that’s what art is for: to see the human spirit and experience reflected. And if we can see ourselves in someone’s else’s work, we feel less alone and perhaps more loved and understood.


SUCH: Yeah, it's a real shitshow here, but I'm glad we have politicians like John Fetterman who recently was in rehab for depression after he had a minor stroke. Just having a senator taking his mental health seriously was such a breath of fresh air! He also has an amazing wife that speaks openly about her personal mental health struggles.

They are the best, and I was so happy Fetterman won and is representing the totality of PA in Congress!

That was a bit of a tangent! Sorry. Let's get back to your thesis.

Bo’s special is ostensibly about his quarantine, but the United States never officially locked down in the same manner as other countries. Because of this, many in America took umbrage with the fact that a millionaire was able to mope in his shed while others had to go to work (particularly healthcare professionals, but also grocery workers and delivery people). I was wondering if you think Inside might be more poignant for those who WERE in a strict lockdown situation? I’d imagine viewers in Europe, for example, used even more digital means of communication (like FaceTime and sexting) and might relate to the special better.

Stucks: Yes, I have read this one article called “The Problem with Bo Burnham’s Inside” by Lili Loofbourow and she talks about the difference between how Bo presents his lockdown situation in the film and how his lockdown situation actually was based on what we know about his personal life.

She argues that facing this reality detracts from the film, and I understand her argument considering that Burnham (intentionally or not) blurred the lines between what is authentic and what is performance [Ed. note: If you've seen any of Bo's works, you would know that he loves subverting expectations and is a master of playing with the audience's concept of what's happening. Long story short: Art is a lie. Nothing is real!].

But the thing is: It doesn’t matter how much money is in your bank account, what house you live in or if you’re in a loving relationship because all those things don’t necessarily cure anxiety or depression. Yes, we can intellectually understand that Burnham wasn’t really locked in this guesthouse for a year or that maybe that moment with him abandoning his equipment wasn’t authentic, but what ultimately matters is what is on the screen.

I was never concerned about the authenticity of Bo’s representations, because a film doesn’t have to be true to reflect or communicate something true about our reality. And in my opinion, I’m sure he did truly suffer mentally during this time and it seems as if he channeled that into his work. We’ll never know for sure. We can just speculate. Maybe that’s what Bo intended.

SUCH: Yes, Bo absolutely plays with perception versus reality, and I agree that it doesn't matter if those events actually occurred when they appear to in the film (like some fans got upset that his birthday clock countdown was probably staged). I think people can be a bit simplistic and, if you've never heard of Bo before or seen his works, you could easily assume Inside is a documentary about a guy going crazy because of the pandemic.

Bo also adores mockumentaries, by the way, like the Office UK and Christopher Guest's films. I would think this is all very purposeful!

Bo's Promising Young Woman co-star Jennifer Coolidge in Best in Show

So I noticed that you cited a Redditor in your writing (u/I_No_Speak_Good). How did you go about finding relevant posts? Were there any threads you wanted to include but weren’t able to for your thesis? And were there any posts you couldn’t use because the username was inappropriate?

Stucks: This is a great question! I thought of using more comments from Reddit users on the Bo Burnham subreddit, but I felt that this user’s comment demonstrated the point I was making about how Inside reflected many people’s mental experiences the best.

I found relevant posts simply by Googling and including “reddit” in the search. That was the easier part of the research process, being on Reddit! I can’t recall any other specific threads or comments that I wanted to use, but like I said I did think about utilizing more. But less is ultimately more.

SUCH: Definitely! I just thought it was amusing to see Reddit in your Works Cited haha.

I also noticed that you cite another thesis about Inside, Carmen Bonasera’s look at estrangement, performativity and empathy in the special. How did you come across this analysis? I’d imagine you two are the first of MANY scholarly interpretations of Bo’s work.

Stucks: It's a great paper. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but it’s worth a read for sure [Ed. note: Yes, I have read it!].

In the beginning, Bonasera’s was the only academic analysis I could find on Inside but then as I was finishing up, more and more articles started being published.

I primarily use Google Scholar and university libraries for research. I wish there had been a Bo expert to contact. A lot of this scholarship on his work is pretty new, so it’ll be interesting to see what else gets written in the future!

SUCH: Definitely! So while working on your thesis, you were also filming videos for your YouTube channel on which you discuss a variety of topics ranging from mental health to media reviews and interviews (including me coming up soon!). Why did you start your channel, and how did you determine the subject matter? Do you have any videos that you are particularly proud of, and has there been a topic you've wanted to discuss but it didn’t work out for whatever reason?

Stucks: Yes, I’m very excited to talk with you on my channel 😊

I started my YouTube channel actually just months before the 2020 lockdown, which in some ways was good timing because then I had a lot of time and energy to make videos! I’ve always wanted to make videos on books, films and psychology, videos that would both educate and entertain.

I love performing and I love analyzing things, so making YouTube videos has been a way to combine my performative and intellectual sides! As you can see from my channel, it’s taken some time to find my style and what works, but I’m pretty happy with all of the episodes I’ve made of What The Hell Is That? (especially the one I made on Inside).

I also love bringing people on for the Novel Conversations series and talking/interviewing them. I haven’t been very active on my channel recently because I have another project going on, but I’m really looking forward to talking with you soon!

One topic that I’ve already written a script for is about cancel culture...I’m just trying to decide how I should film the intro. Since it’s a controversial topic, I’m trying to approach it from all sides as much as I can.

SUCH: I am excited too, and I can't wait to watch your next upload! There is an excellent video by Some More News about the myth of cancel culture that you might want to check out. And I don't even know how people can claim it's real when the Grammys have awarded disgraced and "canceled" comics with Best Comedy Album wins the past two years. I'm honestly expecting Cosby to win next (ugh).

Your most popular video currently is one in which you dissect HSP (highly sensitive people) with 12K views.

Why do you think that viewer-requested video has been so successful? I consider Bo (and myself) to be HSP, personally, but what are your thoughts? Do you think HSP people resonate with Inside more than those who aren’t as sensitive?

Stucks: It really means a lot that you’ve watched so many of my videos, thank you first of all!

I think that video has done so well because it’s easily digestible information, it’s not too long and high sensitivity is a trait that people are becoming more curious about. I suspect that Bo might be an HSP, especially with the healthy masculinity that I think he models. I don’t think that being sensitive would have Inside resonate more with you, but perhaps it could since we HSPs are deeply empathetic people.

SUCH: Yes, that makes perfect sense! I am an empath too haha.

I also really appreciated your video on anxiety medications. I have been on meds since 2018 when my husband was diagnosed with cancer and I felt completely overwhelmed by everything. I’m currently on Lexapro and Buspar, which help to level off my extreme emotions. What has been your experience? Are you currently on anything for anxiety?

Stucks: I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis. I hope he’s doing better now [Ed. note: 5 years cancer-free in June 2023!].

That’s easily something to feel overwhelmed about, so I hope you are doing better too. I was on Lexapro for about 8 months back in 2020, and to be honest since then my anxiety has gradually gotten worse to the point where I’ve been back on Lexapro for two months now.

I’ve had a mostly good experience with SSRIs. I generally feel calmer, more motivated and, even if I have anxious moments, I can handle them better.

But I also know that I need to combine my medication with other things that help me like yoga, mindfulness, exercise, spending time with friends and talking nicer to myself!

I do think there’s a big stigma around medication for mental health issues. It’s as if people think it’s weak character to rely on a pill to help your mental well being, but actual weak character is refusing to or not seeking out help for whatever is negatively impacting your life.

But I urge people to consider medication carefully, because it’s not for everyone. You have to find strategies that work for you.

SUCH: Totally agree with you on finding out what works. I've been implementing mindfulness and some general meditation that have helped me stay calmer. And, yes, exercise is always a great idea!

Please tell me one fun fact about yourself. Do you have any specific hobbies or interests people don't know about?

Stucks: I’m actually a big fan of horror movies, especially the older ones.

I’m also quite an introverted person, despite how much I put myself out there! People usually are surprised when I tell them how much I crave being alone when I need to recharge.

SUCH: Ah, a fellow introvert! I know the struggle well.

I don't know if you've read this, but Fangoria published an article about why Bo should be the next horror director. I'm not a fan of those types of movies (I am very sensitive, as we've established lol), but I would gladly make the exception for him!

What's your favorite Bo song/special? You can name more than one.

Stucks: It depends on my mood. If I’m looking for something light from Bo, then I like watching what. from 2013. If I’m looking for something a bit heavier but still funny, than I usually like watching Inside and the Outtakes back to back [Ed. Note: I love looping them on Netflix too! So fun].

My favorite songs by Bo would be We Think We Know You, Oh Bo and All Eyes on Me.

SUCH: Love those choices! My favorites currently are That Funny Feeling and The Chicken, but I truly enjoy all of his music.

Do you have any upcoming projects?

Stucks: Last month, I was contacted by The Medical Research Archives about my academic article on Inside, and they asked me if I’d like to submit something for an upcoming issue on COVID-19.

So I’m about to start writing a draft of an article analyzing the Outtakes!

By June, I’ll hear if they accepted it or not. It would be great to have another academic publication, but just being contacted by another journal is amazing. I can’t believe that people are actually reading my analysis of Bo’s special. And thank you so much for conducting this interview!

SUCH: The pleasure is all mine! And congrats on the new opportunity. The Outtakes will be a rich source of material, and if you need any first-time reactions, you can watch clips of my friend and I seeing it when it premiered last year. Good times!

How can fans of your channel best support you, and do you have any social media that you'd like to plug?

Stucks: You can purchase my book of plays called Welcome to Pringlewood on Amazon (Jeffrey Bezos!) and feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

You can also check out my website here.

SUCH: Excellent. Well, thanks again for taking the time to chat, and best of luck on your new scholarly article about Bo!

Stucks: Thank you!


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